Category: Oral Health

Signs You Need a Root Canal Procedure

Root Canal

Is your tooth causing sleepless nights? Does the thought of a hot drink or cold dessert bring fear due to expected pain? These may signal an underlying dental issue—a call for a root canal. Ignoring symptoms can worsen conditions, leading to tooth loss. Learn clear signs for timely action to ease discomfort. Persistent Tooth Pain:… Read more »

Discover Effective Home Remedies for Dry Mouth Relief

Relaxing Environment for Stress-Free Dental Care

Are you constantly feeling thirsty or having trouble speaking, chewing, or swallowing due to dry mouth? Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is a common condition that arises when there is insufficient saliva in your mouth. It can be caused by various factors such as dehydration, side effects of medication, medical conditions, or lifestyle habits. Whatever the… Read more »

5 Common Causes Behind Your Toothache

Woman with a toothache

Toothaches can be incredibly uncomfortable and bothersome. They can range from mild to severe pain, and they are usually indicative of a problem that needs attention. Knowing the common causes behind your toothache can help you to figure out what is going on with your teeth and gums and how to best address the issue.… Read more »

The Relationship Between Diet And Gum Health

Healthy assortment of meats and vegetables

Did you know that what you eat affects your gum health? That’s right – your diet can have a direct effect on the condition of your gums. In this article, we will explore how the foods and drinks you consume can impact your oral health. Let’s get started! Benefits of Eating Healthy Foods Eating a… Read more »

How to Care for Your Dental Crowns

Metal filling

Dental crowns are an essential tool that dentists use to restore oral function and aesthetics. Different types of dental crowns include porcelain crowns, metal crowns and resin crowns. Metal crowns are made of a base metal alloy such as nickel, chrome, or alloys of gold and offer good performance, durability, and corrosion-resistance. Ceramic crowns provide… Read more »

Oral First Aid Kit

oral first aid kit

(Before we start: oral health and dental emergencies are emergencies, and first aid is meant to be the initial step in controlling the damage. If the worst should occur, contact your dentist or local emergency room right away to get substantive care) As we’ve all learned over the last year and a half, preparedness is… Read more »

Building Better Oral Health Habits

oral health habits

We all know the importance of oral health. Teeth are meant to be permanent, and if our smiles are going to last a lifetime they need consistent and effective care each and every day. Likewise, we all know that we need to be brushing and flossing regularly, eating the best diet we can, and ensuring… Read more »

Pregnancy and Oral Health

pregnancy and oral health

Whether it’s your first or your third, pregnancy is always an exciting time. The pending arrival of a little one is a time of both joy and frustration, but above all, it is busy, sometimes overwhelmingly so! With so much going on and so many things demanding your attention, it’s really easy to let some… Read more »