Month: November 2020

How Should You Care for Dental Veneers?

care for dental veneers

In a perfect world, our teeth would last a lifetime, providing us with decades of brilliant happy smiles. However, given the imperfect world in which we find ourselves teeth often suffer from various forms of damage. They may be chipped or stained, or may be naturally misshapen, or may have unwanted spaces between them. While… Read more »

Recognizing the Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause significant discomfort and lead to more serious dental issues if not addressed promptly. Understanding the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth is crucial for seeking timely treatment and maintaining oral health. At Plage Dentistry in Wilmington, NC, we are here to help you identify and treat these symptoms effectively. Common Symptoms… Read more »