Plage Dentistry News

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

dental emergency

Did you know that once every 15 seconds, someone in America visits the emergency room for a dental condition? But sometimes, it’s hard to know if your dental problem can wait or if you need to see a dentist right away. Are you wondering if your dental issue is considered a dental emergency? In this guide,… Read more »

Oral First Aid Kit

oral first aid kit

(Before we start: oral health and dental emergencies are emergencies, and first aid is meant to be the initial step in controlling the damage. If the worst should occur, contact your dentist or local emergency room right away to get substantive care) As we’ve all learned over the last year and a half, preparedness is… Read more »

Building Better Oral Health Habits

oral health habits

We all know the importance of oral health. Teeth are meant to be permanent, and if our smiles are going to last a lifetime they need consistent and effective care each and every day. Likewise, we all know that we need to be brushing and flossing regularly, eating the best diet we can, and ensuring… Read more »

The Facts About Fluoride


There’s a lot of talk about fluoride in health-savvy circles, and much of that discussion is focused on the uses of fluoride as dental treatment and fluoridation in water. Questions along the lines of “should tap water contain fluoride?”, “How does fluoride affect our health?”, “are there long-term risks to fluoridation?” and “are dental fluoride… Read more »

Pregnancy and Oral Health

pregnancy and oral health

Whether it’s your first or your third, pregnancy is always an exciting time. The pending arrival of a little one is a time of both joy and frustration, but above all, it is busy, sometimes overwhelmingly so! With so much going on and so many things demanding your attention, it’s really easy to let some… Read more »

Top Questions to Ask Your Dentist

dental questions

A good dentist-patient relationship is founded in part on trust and communication. And while many patients are good at listening to what their dentist tells them, there are many who also don’t feel as empowered to ask questions proactively. In reality, asking questions of your dentist is important in both keeping you informed and in… Read more »

The Connection Between Oral Health and Diabetes

diabetes and oral health

Diabetes, a prevalent and intricate condition in the United States, affects approximately one in ten Americans, with one in three on the path to prediabetes, as highlighted by the CDC. The escalating prevalence underscores the need to comprehend the multifaceted impact of diabetes on overall health, notably oral health. Medical professionals stress that diabetes intricately… Read more »

Which is Right for You: Crowns or Bridges?

dental bridge

Restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry have made leaps and bounds over the last few decades, with new techniques and better patient outcomes increasingly common. Even common techniques in these fields of dentistry keep improving, among them crowns and bridges. While they are often mentioned together, dental crowns and dental bridges are different procedures and prostheses… Read more »